It’s been a few months since we got our Dragon Dictate software and I have to say it’s become part of our day-to-day life! Who knew dictating could be so easy?
It was fantastic as we came up to the end of the year with school assignments and exams. The teenagers used it to dictate their study notes from their books onto the computer. I told them it would be a perfect way of making notes to study with (little did they realize that all that reading aloud to the computer helped cement the information in their brains! Haha!)
I’ve also been using it to make first drafts of my blog posts because it makes it all so easy. I can get down the basic information on the laptop while getting other stuff done and then I come back and turn it into a post with some editing.
Did you know that speaking is 3x faster than typing? (or about 20x faster than watching my teens type!) Dictating has also really helped kids with Dyslexia because they have the opportunity to bypass writing and say exactly what they would like to write. I also like that it encourages the kids to speak clearly and not mutter and mumble. (when he is using Dragon Dictate is the only time I get the teen boy to speak in whole, clear sentences!)
So if you are looking for a great way to get your kids to pick up the pace on the home work, Dragon Dictate is offering a 10% discount on their packages from now until the 31st Jan- plus, you’ll go into the draw to win an iPhone 6!
To get your Dragon Dictate package (available for Mac and PC) visit
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