Some people blog for fun, others want to start a business with their blogs. If this is you then when you start a blog there are a number of steps you can take to make yourself look like a professional blogger from the very beginning. By doing these from the start you won't need to make over your blog down the track and it will make you look like you know what you are doing.
How to Look like a Professional Blogger
After five years of trying and testing, here are my ways to look like a professional blogger from the start:
For me, WordPress is where you want to be. It has everything you need and is so easy to use. But don't waste your time starting with the .com version if you are looking to have this as a business. It doesn't support ads, plugins and loads of other things. You are better off starting on the .org platform from the very beginning. I made this mistake and it means then transferring everything from one site to another. It was annoying and unnecessary. You can also use Blogger but I know nothing about that platform. Avoid WIX and other things like that- WordPress and Blogger are the two biggest and they are the most supported.
You can also self-host with Siteground - this sets up your blog with WordPress once you sign up. This is one of the most popular ways for bloggers to set up their blog. It's very easy to use and only costs about $50 a year. This cost is to set up your blog and to host it for a year so it's really affordable and great for starting out.
Register a business and domain name
Make sure the domain name you want is available before you choose and register your business name. You don't want to be making changes down the track or having a domain that doesn't match your name. It's bad for your branding and your SEO. Make sure you check for any trademarks as well. You really don't want or Also, make sure you register domain names that are similar to yours so that no one copies you with something so close. I buy all my domain names from Crazy Domains. I find them really affordable and easy to use and the instructions for setting up your DNS so you can have a Gmail account with your domain name is really easy. You can also check what domains are available.
sign up for Crazy Domains Here
Have an email address with your domain name
Nothing looks more unprofessional than having as your email address. You can either set an email up through your host or, what I recommend, which is set up a business account with Gmail. I love this because you can access it anywhere like a regular Gmail account but it's all with your domain. This is also the account you'll use with your Google Analytics. Having a blog email that has your domain makes you instantly look like a professional blogger.
Have a Work with Me page
As a professional blogger, if you want to work with brands then they need to know how to reach you. Have a page about you, your blog, your interests and what you write about and then have your email address (not a form) available on this page so you are easy to contact. Nothing puts brands off more than you being uncontactable. As well as blogging I also work in PR and if I can't find a blogger's email immediately (not a form) I take them off the list. The reason a form doesn't work is that brands and PR can't add your details to their media list if there is only a form, so you end up in the too hard basket.
Align your social media
A Professional blogger needs business social media accounts. Have a blog instagram (not your personal one), blog facebook page, Pinterest, whatever you are into. Don't be using your personal pages as blog pages.
Once you have set these up make sure you have your blog link and your contact details clearly displayed as well.
Meet Edgar
To help with managing your social media I recommend Meet Edgar. It takes a little while to import all your content (if you have a lot) but it's the absolute best and it means you can set up a blog social calendar and not need to post manually to facebook every day. I post about 5 - 7 times a day on facebook so this seriously saves me about 20 hours a month. I would be lost without it. You don't have to only load it with your blog posts, you can set up questions, memes, videos - whatever you want to share.
This link for Meet Edgar will get you $10 off your first month so you can try it out.
If you want to build traffic, Pinterest is a great way to do it. But, just like other social accounts, it can take forever to be pinning every day. Time that could be spent on other things. So I use Tailwind to schedule my Pinterest. I increased my Pinterest traffic by about 1000% after using Tailwind (chances are you found this article on Pinterest!). Tailwind also has Tribes, which you can only access through them. They are basically group boards to join in your niche. If you sign up, get the year subscription. It's way better value for money.
Use great photographs
Blogs are a visual medium as well as a written one and it's important that your photographs are of a good standard. No grainy, crappy pics of the kids or badly lit shots of the product. I learned this the hard way. I'm not naturally a visual person so it took me a long time to learn what a good picture looks like. I had some solid lessons from a friend who is a photographer and I still send her pics for approval and advice. So if you have a photographer friend hit them up for some tips.
You want natural lighting, so take it near a window, not with the lights on. Get some MDF boards and paint or contact them to use as boards to photograph on or as backdrops. Below is my favourite board at the moment. I just use the $3 contact from Kmart on an MDF board and it looks like a table.
If you aren't great at photographs, don't be afraid of stock photos. Canva is what I use for all my graphic design. Images are either free or $1 for a single use license and they have thousands to choose from. You can also by stock photos from Etsy and there are free photos available on sites. Two of my favourites are Unsplash and Pixabay.
I mainly use my iPhone for photos as I have the iPhone 11 Pro and its camera is great. It doesn't matter if you have an DSLR or just a phone, as long as your photos are clear, clean and well lit. I edit my photos on Colour Story app on my phone but people also love VSCO.
Have a blog style guide
This is something I just didn't get at first. I used whatever sized photos etc. But it's really important for your blog to be consistent. Each of my blog posts has a header image and these are made in Canva. I use the facebook app template because then when I post to Facebook, the photos fit properly.
Have your fonts and colours too. If you get a Canva business subscription (about $12 a month) you can upload your own fonts and save your blog colours which makes this so easy when you are trying to look consistent.
Hopefully, these tips help you start off your blog on the right foot so you don't have to redo your blog several times like I did! There's nothing worse than looking back at those early posts and thinking, "what was I even doing?".
Now that you have read all this head over to find out how to turn a PR pitch into a sponsored post!
Good luck on your quest to be a professional blogger and let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you for this post! I really liked it. It is very useful for beginner bloggers like me.
The Clear Sky
I feel like unless you use an expensive app like Tailwind, where I know that people repost and help each other, you will struggle. Like cycling uphill with square wheels. It's a bit disappointing.
Maraya, just found this on Pinterest. Definitely going to follow your work! Great post!
Thanks for the very informative posts for newbie bloggers like me.
no problem! Glad you liked it
Deimile Soares
Great Post! Thank you for sharing the tips!
No problem! Let me know if you have any questions.
I'm still in the "research" phase of my blogging journey, but found this extremely informational and helpful. Thank you!
So glad it was helpful! Let me know if you have any questions!
These are some great tips. I sure wish I would have known them to start. I have been blogging now for 13 months. I actually have 2 blogs. but I kinda am wanting to go another way besides just beauty with but I don't want to lose my acknowledgment with Google since I've had that domain name a year. My 2nd blog is I don't even think Google recognizes it yet. I spend more time on my 1st blog but I actually get more views on the blogging blog. Thanks for the helpful guidance.
Hi, I think you should blog about whatever you want to! Maybe with your beauty blog you could incorporate other types of 'beauty' like food and locations etc. What are you thinking you'd like to blog about now?
Alanna Sharp
I love your tip about hitting up a pro photographer friend! I have a few and never thought to ask their opinion for blog images. I still struggle with the visual side of blogging, especially web design, but I think I'm going to steal your Facebook template from Canava idea! Thanks for a well-written and informative post!
So glad it was helpful! Yes definitely collaborate with your friends and get them to use their expertise. I've been doing this for 6 years and I still struggle with the visual parts because I'm not a visual person.
Great article! Thank you for this information
No problem! Hope it's helpful!
Great post and thanks for writing it. Every time I read about beginning a blog lately everyone keeps suggesting using vs, but when I was doing my research everyone was saying a I needed was now I'm learning that it's not the right platform although all the YouTube video's I watch no one says that I can't do ads and I haven't had a problem with plugins. I guess I'm just confused I paid for hosting through Siteground and I use the dashboard am I doing it wrong?
Not at all! Loads of bloggers recommend self-hosting through Siteground and using the WordPress platform. It sounds like to you have it all sorted.
Your tips are supreme! I do still have a gmail address, but all the other advice I have taken heed to--except that About Me page--I am working on that now. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
No problem. Thanks for reading and good luck with it!
Thank you so much for sharing! I just launched Lemon la Vie at It is a blog about achieving a flexible lifestyle through monetizing a blog, finances, and having the opportunity to experience the life of the modern woman and house wife/mom. Ha! That seems like a lot, but it has been my dream to take care of my family while contributing financially. I want to help other women do the same! Anyway, check it out if you're able, and let me know if you've got any constructive criticism for my site.
THANK YOU! Didn't know that I can habe e an e-Mail address from gmail wihtout gmail.
best wisches
no problem! It looks so much more professional. Glad I could help.
Megan | Ginger Mom and Company
I agree with quite a few of your points. I started with a site and it was definitely a hassle to switch over. I use Bluehost and it was only their customer support that got me through everything. It would have been far simpler to start off self-hosted. Also, Tailwind is a necessity for me. I try to pin manually about 50% of the time, but Tailwind definitely helps when I can't do that. Great post!
Thank you! Yes, I love Tailwind. I really need to focus even more on Pinterest, there just isn't enough hours in the day!
Wow, great info! Thanks for sharing! Do you think I need a niche or is a lifestyle blog Ok? I am a DIYer, retiring and now need to budget, watercolor painter, quilter, etc. I can write about a number of things.
Glad it helped! I would maybe look at a crafting and DIY blog - or maybe on making the money stretch during retirement while living your best life?
Great info! What do you recommend for pictures/image size? I recently started a blog called and I’m trying my best to figure it all out! Also do you have any recommendations on how to get more followers on Pinterest? Thank you for the info!
For image size I always size my post header image in Canva in the facebook app template because then when you choose them as the selected image on wordpress they display properly when you share to Facebook. With the other images, your blog theme will have a recommended width.
With Pinterest, you'll find lots of Pinterest groups you can join on Facebook and you can find people with open boards looking to add people in their niche. Also, make Pinterest multiple images for each post and test which ones get the best traction.
Good luck!
I didn't think to include a "work with me" page - thank you for the actionable tips, very helpful :).
No problem! Hope it helps!
Thank you for sharing I’m stil in the pre-info stage to launching my blog. I must say this post has been helpful because I have been torn between creating a new insta page for my blog or using my already existing page @maameadjoa__
My challenge has been about traffic but I guess I will take the hard pill of having to create a new page and start all over again 😭
I know exactly how you feel! I've just launched a new blog - and a whole new instagram. I'm starting from scratch and so far I have 7 whole followers lol!
Great tips!
Zayac |
Hi Maraya
This is a great post found it on Pinterest I am now going to make some changes on my site. Thanks a million
no problem! Glad I could help!
Great post! I cannot stress enough how important it is to start on WordPress. I started on Blogger and i was able to get content over but I am now stuck with the date in my permalinks.
oh how frustrating for you!
Hi Malaya. Thanks for sharing such great tips. I am happy I am learning these steps now, i wish it was easier, but there was so much to learn at the beginning. I started a blog about 9 months ago and I included many categories which I believe was a mistake. Every time I see the amount of great blogs out there, I get so discouraged! But your article here made so much sense, I will try to edit some of my articles to conform with your recommendations.
Thanks again for the help.
Great post, Maraya! You've given the best advice to the beginners. As a matter of fact, growing a blogging business is really a challenging task. However, If you're aggressive of success, and learn new ideas every day, then nothing will hinder your victory. Consistency is the key...
Hi Maraya, such an amazing ideas to start a blog on different niches. Really an useful post with clean and clear details. Thanks for sharing this post. Keep sharing.
Thank you so much, I definitely need this! I just got my blog to the point where I consider it ready for people to see–but I have no idea what to do next! There’s so much to learn about blogging and I appreciate how you’ve broken it down so there’s a roadmap to follow.
Thank you so much for these tip I have implemented a few of them already.
Teya // TLM Blog
I had no idea that a form for contacting me would be holding me back! Thanks for the tip!
no problem! Glad I can help
Your blog post is really amazing. As a new blogger I feel that you have covered all the necessary points that we should keep in mind for moving ahead. Good work!
Hey. I really like this post. I am definitely going to add a Work with Me Page. I thought it was too soon to have that, but now I see that it is a good idea. Great tips. Thanks!
No problem. It's never too early!
So many great tips! I have been on the fence about Meet Edgar but might look into a free trial to explore more.
I definitely recommend giving it a go!
Christina Mendoza
Great article! I wish there was a pinnable image, so I could share it with my followers on Pinterest.
Thanks for that. I've added one!
Adnan Qaizar
Hey Maraya,
Loved the content, I often scroll through Pinterest posts to connect with great bloggers like you. See, I didn't know about Meet Edgar. That's how we all learn after all, from each other. So thank you for sharing.
I've just published a post about How to Write a Professional Blogpost that Converts that I feel is in perfect continuation to this one.
Thanks Maraya!
No problem - meet Edgar is great! Thanks for sharing your article.
Hi Maraya,
Loved your post! Do you recommend Siteground for someone who is not techy. I started with and I'm having trouble with the site and I don't think that it is customizable enough for me. Also I'm not trying to spend a ton of money at first. My blog hasn't launched yet so it wont be a big deal to transfer over.
Hi! Thank you. I have one blog on siteground and one is a and siteground is very easy to use. I don't recommend at all if you want to build your blog into a business. It's clunky and there's no point if you want to switch anyway eventually. I've been using my wordpress site now for 7 years (this one) and I really like it. So either/or but not
Hope that helps!
These are smart tips! I have been doing a lot of research on how to start a blog before I launch mine, and yours is the first to incorporate other forms of social media right off the bat. Thank you!
Oh thank you! Glad I could help.
Thank you for your recommendation about the "Work with me Page". I hadn't thought of including this page, but it makes so much sense! I'm just starting a blog, and your advice is very helpful.
I'm glad I could help!
Wow, great info! Thanks for sharing! Do you think I need a niche or is a lifestyle blog Ok? I am a DIYer, retiring and now need to budget, watercolor painter, quilter, etc.
I think a lifestyle blog is fine. Just define a few sections that you are going to focus on, like craft, DIY, budget etc.
Jared dela Cruz | phmillennia
This is such a great, helpful guide Maraya! Very informative. This definitely has got me thinking of ways to improve my blog. Thank you for sharing.
Amazing content I got much information thank you so much
Thank you so much for the wonderful tips! I’ve been blogging for over a year now but just now want to monetize but am trying to learn to do it successfully. I blog about all things home and making it a haven at and enjoy it so much. Thanks again friend!
Thanks for sharing with us
Very informative content
Nice article. Especially the Blog Style Guide - so often overlooked!