This post is sponsored by Emporia
We all know we put ourselves last a lot of the time. It’s part of being a mum. You don’t even get to go to the toilet by yourself so trying to get three hours to spend at the hairdresser can often involve strategic navigation that the military would be proud of, just to get in that chair every six months! Forget a mani/pedi or trying to get waxed. There is no occasion that you are able to take your inquisitive four-year-old into a waxing salon and not have the both of you come out slightly traumatised!
New research by luxury toilet tissue paper company, Emporia, has shown that 79% of women feel happier after buying an affordable luxury item. However, the sad news is that the majority of us (51%) are rarely, if ever, buying an affordable luxury item. We aren’t talking a new car here ladies, just a tub of nice face cream! This has to stop! There are only so many cute outfits those kids need, they trash them all anyway! So, stop shopping for the kids and start spending on yourself. No more $3 chemist hair dyes, get to the hairdresser! No more No Frills sorbolene cream- book yourself into a skin clinic and have your skin assessed and find the right products for you.
According to the Emporia research, the top 3 affordable luxury items purchased to give the home more of a luxury feel were candles (53%), premium toilet tissue (51%) and bath towels (48%). So ladies, treat yourself to a vanilla-scented candle or luxurious toilet tissue paper like Emporia – the only toilet tissue paper with 4 layers of silky tissue for extra strength and comfort.
Affordable luxuries also extend to the home. A nice hand soap in a pretty bottle in the bathroom (your bathroom, not the kid’s one - you don’t need that squirted into the sink while they undertake some kind of weird experiment!). Splurge on that Emporia 4-ply toilet paper ladies! (what is even the point of one-ply I ask you? You have to use twice as much!!!) Oh, and 48% of you really want to get the good towels. No one likes the cheap, scratchy ones the size of a bath mat!
Emporia’s research found that 44% of us believe that having fancy toilet paper for our guest is just as important as having a nice wine. No one wants their friends to think they are skimping on the toilet paper ladies!
So, next time you are at the supermarket and you see the nice tissues, the better shampoo, the fancier makeup, (or the Emporia 4-ply toilet paper!) buy them! Life is too short to use the crappy stuff…
Last thing, ladies! Head over to the Emporia Facebook page and enter their competition. You can win yourself an Emporia luxury hamper pack to the value of up to $130.
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