Summer is definitely here! Was I ever lucky that the Love To Dream INVENTA Sleeping Bag arrived on my doorstep for me to trial.
There are a lot of sleeping bags on the market so what is it that I like about the Love To Dream INVENTA Sleeping Bag?
It is made from 100% bamboo lining which is very breathable and keeps bub cool. The fabric is soft and stretchy ensuring that my little one is super comfortable whilst he sleeps. If I go in to check on him during one of the hot nights we have been having, if he feels a little clammy I can easily open the zip across his chest that instantly lets air into the sleeping bag. This is a very clever system and you can easily open or close the vent without waking your sleeping baby.
The whimsical designs are just gorgeous. I love the owls, hot air balloons, elephants as well as the patterns. They come in a range of soft pink, blue, grey and lemon.
The Longa Shorta feature. Whenever you move up a size sleeping bag it makes your baby seem so tiny and they swim in it. The Longa Shorta feature is great as you can tuck it up under their feet. It buttons up and you can easily undo it as your bub grows.
The way that the Love To Dream INVENTA Sleeping Bag is designed to open makes nappy changes easy. You can unzip the sleeping bag from under your little one's left arm and it zips all the way down to the bottom and past their feet. This creates a flap that lifts up over their legs for easy access. I haven't had to do it yet but I think that you would even be able to master a sneaky middle of the night nappy change whilst bub stayed asleep if you needed to!
The travel system is always a good idea. It means that you can buckle bub safely into their capsule , car seat or pram whilst still being snuggled into their sleeping bag. If you are lucky enough to have a baby that easily transfers then this is a very useful feature. I also love that this sleeping bag doesn't take up much space when it isn't on. I can easily pop it under the pram or into my bag so that I can place it onto my little one whilst we are out and about and it is time for a sleep. This is an excellent sleep signal so that he knows that it is nap time no matter where we are.
We sure do love our Love To Dream INVENTA Sleeping Bag! To get yours visit
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