Grazing platters are all the rage right now for celebrations so I've put together this ultimate Easter grazing platter for you all. It's full of chocolate and delicious treats!
Ultimate Easter grazing platter
Here's what you need for your ultimate Easter grazing platter:
Mini Hot Cross Buns (I used the Woolworths mini fruit ones)
Red grapes
Green Grapes
White Tim Tams
Cadbury Hollow Eggs
Red Tulip medium sized eggs
Cadbury Mini Eggs
Cadbury Marshmallow Bunnies
Lindt Mini Rabbits
Cadbury mini chocolate hunting eggs (mixed variety - I used milk chocolate and salted caramel)
Wafer biscuits
To assemble your ultimate Easter grazing platter:
Start with your larger items first. I placed the hot cross buns, then the bunches of grapes, the the hollow Cadbury eggs.
Then I added the white Tim Tams and the marshmallow bunnies. Once your have all the big things down, start filling in the gaps. I use the strawberries and the smaller eggs to fill all the gaps. Filling gaps is essentials for an abundant looking board.
Once your board is looking full, split the larger Red Tulip eggs in half and place them on the board. Using odd numbers looks the best so I went with three halves. Then fill these with the mini eggs.
Add the Lindt mini gold rabbits and the wafer biscuits to top it off. Take another look and make sure to fill in any last gaps - then get ready to serve!
Really, you can add anything you want - so other things I was considering were pretzels, marshmallows, chocolate finger biscuits, Easter biscuits. That's the great thing about platters, you can add in whatever you like!
Pin the image below for later and don't forget to tell me what you love to put on your Easter grazing platter! Tag me @stuffmumslike to share your creations!
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