How gorgeous is this Sage&Luna baby bag? I'm in love! No one wants a baby bag that looks like it should be carried by a three-year-old. Mums want a baby bag that reflects their style and can be used as a stylish, daily bag that doesn't scream "I'm a mum!!" every time you use it.
A very clever mum came up with the Sage&Luna bags after having twins and not being able to find a bag that she loved- something practical and stylish. Since then they have been quite the hit,
I was given the Rana- Dark Tan to road test. It's incredibly sturdy, designed to stand upright at all time which is fantastic as it doesn't tip over and spill everything out. It also has little feet so that the gorgeous leather never sits directly on the ground. It has straps long enough to hang on your pram and comes with a change mat. It's big enough to carry everything you need for baby but gorgeous enough to double as a work bag as well.
To share the love we are giving you the chance to take home your very own Sage&Luna Rana baby bag. All you need to do is tell us why you need one!
To see the whole range of bags head to
(T&Cs This competition is open to Australian residents over 18 only. Competition ends Sunday 17th April 2016. This is a game of skill and the winner will be chosen by Stuff Mums Like. The judge's decision is final. All prizes must be claimed a week after the winning email is sent or the competition will be redrawn)
I am a handbag-aholic much to my husbands disgust. The week after we had Bub hubby left his job and began a new venture. Due to this I wasn't and still am not able to get the dream baby bag. I've been in love with the Sage and Luna bags for quite some time now and would LOVE opportunity to hook this one on my pram!
Hayley Moore
Gosh how perfect! With a 3 month old and all her stuff plus a nearly two year old who is always trying to rummage in my bag for snacks and toppling everything out this sounds perfect!
I need one because although my husband and i are trying for a baby, i cant help but be scared to be lost in the "mummy" world. Watching my friends with their big polka dot baby bags does not excite me! But sage and luna bags do. I would love a sage an luna bag to keep me feeling my stylish self and give my new life a stylish start!
With 3 kids under 4 I definitely need one of these... and it would be a nice treat for me... it's rare this mumma has the time/money to buy myself anything anymore! But i wouldn't have it any other way! 😊
I need this bag because I am 5 months pregnant and this gorgeous bag is just the'pick me up' i've been searching for! It's the hope I have that I can still look stylish and classy even as a new mother! This bag takes 'organised mum' to a whole new level!! Love it!
Michelle Kennedy
After having a large non-trendy nappy bag for my last child, a stylish but functional bag would be amazing to make me feel a little more myself while struggling with a new born and a toddler!
Tamara Bellas
I have had my eye on this gorgeous bag for my first bub due in 3 months time & I'm so happy to read a fantastic review of it. It is safe to say that if I were lucky enough to win then this bag would definitely be the nicest bag I've ever owned!
Keti Tzolakidis
I love a good handbag that's functional
I would love one of these to contain all the bits and pieces that a busy toddler needs, and to snap me out of my mum funk!
Lynnette Bull
I "need" one to give to my sister who will be going into hospital soon to give birth to my niece prematurely. I would love to fill it with some magazines and a few other bits and pieces to help her pass the time while bubs is in the NICU. It will be stressful enough not bringing bubs home so a little treat will be well deserved
Nicole Kelleher
Whenever I look through the Sage&Luna collection trying to pick the perfect nappy bag for my first baby, my little peanut starts kicking like crazy. He or she must be a lover of fashion just like its mummy and a little fashionista should only be seen with a nappy bag as stylish as the Sage&Luna Rana baby bag.
Alicia Blazey
I'd love one of these bags for the weekday daycare/work dash- no time to switch my personal items between bags!!
I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old, I leave the house with 3 bags, one for each of us. I would love to put everything in one stylish bag, instead of walking around looking like a flustered bag lady.
Ulle Rolls
Sage&Luna collection bag is what I need because I will be going back to university soon. My little one is soon 7 months.
I feel like all the 18, 20 year olds looked me funny, when I was pregnant. I need to at least look good when I go there with my little one to lectures.
Thank you!
I need one because no one wants to carry around a bag adorned with a constipated looking giraffe appliqué. No one.
Im a baby rookie so my small work handbags just won't cut it but i am yet to find something i can wear without feeling like a dag.
Michele collins
I would love to have one to give my daughter who is expecting her first child in October and loves Sage&Luna ..she would go nuts and look extra beautiful carrying it and bubby
I've been following Sage&Luna for awhile now and love the pictures of the twins. I have two children and would love this bag to hold all of the things I need to carry each day. It looks so stylish and will look perfect during all of my activities with my kids. I would LOVE this bag!
Elisabeth Martins
I need one because I am currently so unorganised.
Between working, studying, having a animal charity and taking care of the children it's hard to get organised without the right products to help.
Please help me get organised!
My cheapie fabric bag
Is less fashion, more rag.
Covered in milk stain and salt spray,
I am in desperate need of this giveaway.
Currently travelling with two bags in tow,
The fabric one just has to go.
If I had this bag for my troop,
I'd be the envy of mothers group!
My first bub and the first grand and great grandchild is due in 3 weeks. My little bundle wants it's mummy to still be her trendy self and have this gorgeous Sage and Luna non traditional nappy bag.
I've just had my 3rd baby (4 and under) and my tried trusty nappy bag has seen better days; I've been on the lookout for a new bag to pack all the essentials for getting about with 3 littles and the Leda ticks all the boxes: stylish, practical, and best yet, can be used after baby as well! Would LOVE to win any of the gorgeous Sage and Luna bags!
Michelle Warwick
My sister is expecting her first baby in 11 weeks and has just been prescribed complete bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. I'm trying to surprise her with a little gift each day to make her smile and this would be the ultimate of gifts 🙂
We're desperately in need of a good functional bag! We're currently between a space ship backpack & a fairy one that is used depending on what the day entails. Going back to work part time in a few weeks it would be amazing to have a beautiful bag that suits both our adventure days & stylish to take to work xo
Claire thrower
Beautiful bag ideal for any stylish mummy, perfect mix of glamour and practicality. Would love this bag.
Vanda B
I'd love a bag that doesn't scream "Baby Mama" that I can use with or without baby. This is it!
Rebecca Muller
I've been dreaming of a new handbag for the last couple of years but with all the baby paraphanalia I've bought since Bub arrived I haven't been able to afford a beautiful bag. Still dreaming and wishing this gorgeous bag might be mine...
Twins on the way, Give me ONE thing that's not going to scream "here comes the crazy lady" (.... Or, not going to scream full stop!)
Bec Hajwan
With two twin girls on the way I would love to be able to show them what real style looks like. Lace, frills, sequins and pinks would go perfectly with Sage&Luna I think. #stylishmama #girlsquad #sage&luna
I hàve a 3 week old and my husband bought me
a baby bag as a gift. I don't have the heart to tell him that its quite ugly as he went to a lot of thought testing them so i am just persevering with it. Would love to win this so that I have something nice to carry without disappointing anyone!
I'm 4 months pregnant with our first baby and have been admiring these bags. I'm a bit scared to jump into mummy land where everything is pink/blue/polkadot. Please help me!
I need one! My current nappy bag is way to big, floppy and is constantly falling over! This bag looks sophisticated, and doesn't look like the usual 'mum' toys nappy bag.
This is large enough for phone, clutch and snacks to keep the little ones busy! It also looks quite sleek and stylish
My last bag got the axe because my gorgeous toddler thought it was the potty... Need I say more... I NEED THIS BAG please 😂
I need this because I've just returned to work while hubby stays home with the little one. He has inherited the baby bag and I would love a stylish in between bag to go from working week to weekend play dates without having to swap everything out! Little miss 1 and I would look great in Rana! Xo
Rachel Cattell
I'm a soon to be first time mum (less than 9 weeks left)! I've been smart with my baby related purchases but still want to have nice things and items that are good quality. The Rana baby bag is going to last and go with any outfit day or night. Once bub gets a bit older I can use this bag as a handbag (I carry a lot of things generally anyway) or weekender bag.
I would love on of these bags, I am due to have my first baby in the next couple of months. They are thinking it might come prematurely and will have to spend time in NICU, this is the bag that I have been looking for to help me with being a first time mum and not wanting a big bulky bag. I absolutely love them.
Sarah Logie
I NEED one as my bub is due in July and has already told me how cute the safe and Luna bags are(no seriously there was a lot of kicking going on!). Looks perfect, functional and stylish!
Jade Cataldo
I like to win one for my co-worker. She is a pending first time mum at 35, my youngest is nearly 7 so I've nothing to hand down to her. I think she would love a bag that doesn't scream 'baby bag', as she is feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the information overload and all the things she needs to get, and this would help her out : ) thank you
Lil Hambly
My 7 month old and I commute almost 4 hrs a day now that I'm back at work, and even though I have the bub, pram and his gear in tow, I would love this Sage&Luna bag, so I'm at least a stylish and more organised pack-horse.
I would love a Sage & Luna baby bag as my every day baby bag / handbag. I try to look out together but struggle with the accessories so this would definitely help me to look like a woman rather than just a Mum.
Here I was thinking I could have baby number one and not need a 'baby bag', after all I can fit a nappy and some wipes in my usual handbag. Baby bags are for mums with a couple of kids, right? Wrong! My little babe could not do the deed in his nappy more frequently than when I decide to head out and about, or maybe its vomit sometimes instead. I have learnt my lesson and now I'm in the market for a stylish baby bag and what better bag than this Sage&Luna beauty!
I'm a first time mum to a gorgeous 3 month old girl. Since her birth I've been in and out of hospital, and quite unwell in between. The medical expenses have now gone into the thousands, and there is no way I can afford to treat myself at the moment. I would love this beautiful bag to help me feel better about myself!
Melinda Bolitho
Rotten Banans skins and sultanas by the 1000's.
My current nappy bag needs break.
This bag has got the style and the features every mum needs.
To run errands and school drop offs with ease and speed 🙂
Laura McAulay
I need this bag because it's beautiful and does there need to be another/better reason? The 5 month old champion spewer and the 2 and a half year old tornado provide lots of other reasons, but let me feel like I'm single and childless again and I just need this bag because it's pretty 🙂
Amanda Kelly
After spending twenty four hours a day with a six month old, a little bit of grown up fashion would be a very welcome change! It might also help with the "I've got this" facade that all Mum's hope to carry, when in reality we're all sleep deprived, confused and anxious but of course head over heels in love! Any Mum would be a very deserving winner!
wow feel like a real woman back to normal after having a baby, you feel like a old granny life has past, seeing this bag brings my wardrobe back to fashion like I wasn't missing out on anything.
veraneeka jasinski
I buy cheap handbags, a nice new up to date bag would be great
I have a little missy 4 month and we go everywhere with a large linen tote because that's the only thing I got to fit everything in at the moment. I would love to have this fashionable baby bag! Good luck to all 🙂
Maryam Naeem
If you'll look at my current bag you'll understand how much I am in need of a good bag where I can put my stuff and my 3 year old kid's stuff. I had to carry that hideous bag which is so heavy and it has become ugly as I am using it since ages. It gives me a boring and a 20 year more older look than my current age. And I am only 26. I hope you understand.
Elizabeth Kaminski
I need this simply because it is too fabulous so in turn I will feel too fabulous which will give me a massive boost to conquer the world, all the while looking fabulous!!! 🙂
I gotta confess, I’m a terrible dag
Carrying my kid stuff in a supermarket bag.
I guess I can see the humor
But I’d rather a bag from Sage and Luna
Please help me go from bag lady blues
To chic and stylish handbag muse!
Jade Boyes
I'm about to have bub no 2 and struggle to find a stylish affordable practical bag that is functional and trendy. I desperately need one!
Sacha Williams
I would love a brand new Sage & Luna baby bag as I was given a second hand baby bag as when we had bubs it was quite bad timing financially so I was unable to get a brand new baby bag that suits my style much more. It would make my year!
Kate Curtis
New bubs due in July. This would be an awesome thing for me to take everywhere and it would fit so much more in than my mobile phone case that only holds credit cards and my drivers license.
I need this as I currently have a very unstylish nappy bag that my husband chose! This nappy bag looks great and sounds very functional! Would love to win it and wear it with pride!
Much preferred over my current “Woollies” bag,
Bright Green! No Zip, No Lining and beginning to sag!
I could never afford such a luxurious baby bag!
I’ve lost my “Mojo” as my friends say,
“Tackiness” I know my “Woollies” bag does portray,
I have…HOWEVER…written a timely “Mother’s Day” wish list!
Hopeful to be given a “Sage & Luna” if I continue to persist!
I’ve been eyeing the “Leda” and now it’s SOLD OUT!
Confidence and perfection these bags instantly SHOUT!
Amy Ginis
My first baby is due in October, and we are also building a house - buying a baby bag just isn't in the budget! I've heard such wonderful things about Sage&Luna baby bags...I'm in love just looking at it!
Kylie Bowers
Im a busy mum of 7 from 1 year to 11 i need to carry everything for every occasion, this bag is not only beautiful but will fit all those bits and bobs in there that I need!
I've never seen a nappy bag I've instantly fallen in love before this one. Generally I just take what I need throw in car or under the pram because I hate all nappy bags I've tried ugly, too big, too small just not right. This looks perfect. Stylish, great size, stands up and made by a mum who knows what mum needs. Now just to convince husband I need this bag!
Anna Dyer
Please oh please!! I would sell a kidney to get my hands on one so would be forever grateful for this Sage&Luna giveaway - I'd really love to keep my kidneys as we've become pretty tight over the years. Why do I deserve it? I probably don't but I haven't won anything since a doll named Annie when I was 6 so I'd probably pee my pants with excitement! No seriously, after 2 kids, I prob would. Thanks Stuff Mums Like for the chance!!
Tracey Taylor
My lovely pregnant daughter carries around a bag like Mary Poppins. Its way to big and too heavy. If she had a stylish, suitable bag then her back would love her more than it does now.
Sharon Markwell
The Sage&Luna baby bag would have me up on a pedestal (where I belong of course!) as the best Mum in the world.
Tash Sztanski
As a single mum I could really use this and every piece of its contents for my three month old, Chelsea!
I love it when products have been tried and tested - you can always trust a mumma's review.
Everything and anything seems to find its way into my hand bag whether I put it in or little hands do. I'd love the Sage&Luna Rana Baby Bag as we plan to travel as much as we can. Just locally, ensuring we capture some great memories throughout Australia, the absolutely wonderful country we live in. I also love that it has a dual purpose and can double as my work bag. As I am currently job seeking, it would look classy at interviews and help me to feel confident and a little be luxurious. My favorite feature of the Sage&Luna bags is that they have those little feet which when rested on the ground means that the bag bottom doesn't get dirty or doesn't pick up germs which I then carry around spreading. Functional but classy makes for the perfect carry around. Love it!
Stephanie Coleman
I am due with my second bub in a few months, I am a Navy wife who has moved twice during this pregnancy one move was interstate, leaving behind family, friends and the best mothers group. I love bags and shoes and our new location does not really cater to my shopping needs. I would love the pick me up and to be lucky enough to show off this gorgeous and functional bag that I can see myself rocking well after the bubs are out of nappies.
sarah Ellwood
I've owned many handbags but none have been practical. I guess it's time to grow up and I'd love to start with this stylish bag.
With a 6 month old who has just started day care and having started back at work this is the ultimate baby bag for me. Perfect for carrying his things and work things so i can go from one role to the next with ease 😊 And they are to die for obviously!!!
Cylie thomas
I need an awesome baby bag. Have never had one and absolutely love this look. Color is perfect and style is stylish as well. Perfect for me and my kidlets 👍🏻💜💙🌷😊
I love my handbags but since i have had my baby my nappy bag is my handbag so i would love it to get back to looking stylish again and what better way to be able to do this than with your bag which is both. Practical and stylish.
With a very tight budge and purchasing just bare necessities each week for the waited arrival of our little angel, I would be so grateful to splurge a little on myself with a sophisticated and stylish new Sage & Luna baby bag. I am in love with the gorgeous contemporary designs which would make traveling with my little one a proud fashionable experience.
Jade W
My current baby bag has definitely seen better days! I'm a busy mum of two and need some style in my life - this gorgeous bag would make this super tired mummy very happy!
Sheridan leonard
A handbag and baby bag in one! How amazing. I need this is my life so I don't feel like I'm only a mum now. I can still be a bit stylish !
First time mum.
Adjusting to all the changes that come along with the pleasures of being a new of those things would be having to give up using my handbag. It has been traded in for a baby bag. Not only is there not many stylish baby bags out there; the ones that are lovely are far too expensive on a one income home budget.
But i must say all the sacrifices that are made by mums are far worth it, for that little human that just fills your heart with so much love and care. Loving every second with my little man Riley (10 weeks old today).
Laura Tough
I'd be winning this for a good friend of mine if I won - she just recently had a baby and has had so many complications that she needs a little treat that will also come in handy for taking care of her little bub! This would be absolutely perfect for her!
This bag would be perfect for all of my belongings, as well as all of the baby items!
Jessica Ashbrooke
I have a 7 week old and still haven't got a baby bag my handbag is doing everything
Leesa Massey
I would love to win so I can pass it on to my friend who is having twins!
Her surprise baby number 3 turned out to be number 3 & four!! She deserves something special <3
Laura Scriven
I current shout "practical" and not style,
Been needing to look like "me'" for a while.
It's been all about bub,
Time I got some design love!
I would love this bag, I don't normally get to have nice things like this, so this would be just fabulous, and its sooo pretty!
Im a mum with another one on the way. I need to at least have some look of funkiness and at least look a little better with the things I use. This is so gorgeous, it would definitely make me happier.
christine morris
I would love to win this bag for my Niece as she is expecting her first baby in July, she does not have a Baby bag as yet and would really appreciate one. I would love to gift this beautiful bag to her when she has her Baby Shower, thanks for the chance 🙂
Teresa Clark
I am due to have bubba any day now, i would love this bag, i currently just have a backpack to use. Would love to be able to rock a stylish yet practical bag with my bub.
I’m a working mum of three
And I love everything fashion
But with nappies, daycare and bills
I can’t fulfil my handbag passion
This chance from Sage&Luna
Is what I’ve been looking for a while
Please make this mamma happy
Who refuses to lose her style!
Trish W
Have been browsing Sage & Luna's page- such beautiful designs! Would be so proud having this on my arm when Bub arrives in 8 weeks 🙂
nicole larsen
This is super stylish, roomy and looks so comfortable. THis would be great to pack all the items I need everyday
Melissa Gregory
I would say I "need" this bag...but truthfully I really just want it. I've had the stereotypical baby bags and they do the job we "need" them to do. But...with baby number 3 nearly here, plus a house full of inlaws I'm taking on a new (perhaps slightly self-centred ) attitude of 'I'm doing what I want instead of what I "need" to do'. So if the dishes aren't done, the children are grubby and the inlaws starve-at least I will look stylish-and happy!!!!
Vanessa N
Rana Bag is sturdy, making it look more stylish and accident proof then most non-sturdy bags
Rana Bag has a long strap to hang in pram or anywhere I wish to hang it at. Making it more functional.
Rana Bag can double as a work bag! how good is this ! Now I don't have to keep on switching bags. This will safe time!.
Finally I think its' not only me but my kids and my colleagues would also love this gorgeous bag! I would wear this proudly everywhere I go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jacoba Evans
I need a Sage&Luna Rana baby bag that will take me from shopping to Grandma's to a business meeting.
sarah fairley
because it's fantastic, and everyone deserves a little spoiling
This would be awesome coz my Sister just had a baby & I haven't bought her a gift yet + she's a serious bag-buying lady so I'd score more than a few brownie points with this! Thanks
Kelly Ryan
Now my baby is growing a little, what we need to take is reducing. A Sage & Luna baby bag will meet both our needs and look great too!
Becky Downey
I'd get CARRIED away with this! BAGS of space, even before baby is born in 7 weeks time. It's the PICK-ME-UP I need to feel organised and stylish!
A two year old keeps my sister's life busy
The number of play dates makes my head dizzy
Her bag is packed with nappies, sultanas and squashed banana
A replacement is critical, like this Sage&Luna Rana!
Ebony Carr
I am always trying to throw things into different bags based on how long I think I'll be. With the Sage & Luna Baby Bag, I could always have a bag ready and not have to run around like a headless chook!
adrienne harries
Sage&Luna Rana baby bag to carry our supplies
Hopefully we can eliminate tantrums and big cries
While still being in style
Beautiful bag makes me smile
Michelle W
To give away as the Best. Ever. Baby Shower present. It's a jungle out there.
sarah Ellwood
To look stylish while organised. It's not easy to do both, but having a gorgeous sage&luna baby bag on my arm would certainly help greatly!
My workmate is due to have her baby soon,
She’s so disorganized, this bag would be a boon,
But don’t tell her I said so, else it will a showdown at high noon.
Alison Duke
I need this bag as I am not the cool mummy at mothers group. I currently rotate between 2 normal handbags and a pile of mess in my car. I like that this looks very on trend but would also keep me organised. Essential for my busy life and can double as a normal handbag if I ever get the chance to venture out without the kids.
L Conroy
No matter what grottiness sticky mess goes INTO the bag, at least on the outside it will look sleek and elegant
becky s
So this mum can feel half human again by having something stylish when out and about!
Alison H
I am currently using a backpack that has water stains all over it, and it's so daggy and old. This would be amazing to win. Thanks!
I would love to win one of these as the bag I currently use doesn't fit my bottles in it, let alone all the other stuff I feel like I probably don't need but then kick myself when I forget it because that is the one time I need it!
Stevee-Lee Anderson
It's beautiful yet logical! I am big on matching shoes with bags; this colour is dominant in my shoe collection! A match made in heaven!